FarmBooks Release Notes

Jan 2, 2015
Database Conversion

This release requires a conversion before the database can be opened.
General Changes to Application

Assigned Printer Paper Source for either Reports or Checks
The assigned printer paper sources in the application preferences was not being applied to the report engine correctly causing the user specified printer settings to be ignored. It would use the windows default printer settings instead. Now, the user specified printer and paper source is used.
Display phone number fields with Edit Mask when non-focused field
All screens that have the phone number listed should be listed with the edit mask ( ) – in the phone number, it is much easier to read. It would only display the edit mask when the field had the input focus and it displayed as a string of numbers when not focused. This was changed primarily in invoicing and the employee setup windows.
Default Year for Date Fields
Check / Paycheck / Deposit Entry – Default for Unspecified Year was 1999 instead of the current year. Other areas of the application with the date field displaying a “15” as a button for the popup calendar had this issue.
Printer Properties not available from Page Setup from Printer Button
The Windows operating system version determines whether the “printer” button is visible from the page setup window of the printer setup dialog in the reports preview window. In Windows 7 or 8, this printer button is no longer available. However, if you have the various features of the printer defined before starting FarmBooks these feature will be preserved as FarmBooks only overrides the paper source.
Font size increased from 8 to 10 point
The font size was increased in the main application tabs and detail check/deposit windows along with the paycheck detail window.
2015 Tax Table Rates Included with Release
If you have not downloaded the tax rates for 2015, you will not be required to download it. However, it will be necessary to apply the tax table to your database by selecting option “Have Already Installed from CD or Previous Download”.
ATI - ATIG/D Codes

Batch Entry Updates

Check/Deposit Vendor with Memorized ATIGD List containing External Codes

Invoice Updates

New Fiscal Year Updates

Paycheck Entry

Payroll Updates

Print Checks with Square Bracket Text in Vendor Name

Register Updates

Transfer Funds between Accounts
Report Updates

New Reports
Report Changes