4.0.5 Release Notes

FarmBooks 4.0.5 Release Notes


Nov 16, 2012

New Batch Entry Tab


The batch entry tab gives users new ways to enter checks or deposits. As the name implies, it requires that the user first create a batch before transactions can be entered (Press the “Batch Activities” button located along the top of the batch entry tab and select “New” or “Open”). Users can use this feature to enter transactions from a bank or credit card statement.

Also, this option allows you to import data from the bank or credit card company. In order to use the import feature, you first need to go to your online bank or credit card website and download your transactions into a CSV (comma separated values) formatted file. It is important to note that FarmBooks does NOT capture or track your online bank login information. At the time of the download, you will be permitted to enter a date range before you download your data. It is recommended that you use a time period that is reflected on your statement.

Once you have the data downloaded from your online bank or credit card company, you need to tell FarmBooks how the bank arranged the data in the CSV file. You do this by creating a data map that describes the arrangement of the data. FarmBooks provides a wizard that steps you though the process by analyzing the data from the bank or credit card company. The wizard can be found by pressing the “Import” button at the top of the batch entry tab and choosing “create import data map” from the drop down menu. The wizard will automatically analyze the import data to determine what fields your bank or credit card company has provided. The final step of the wizard is where you actually map the bank fields to FarmBooks fields. The data map is only created once and can be associated to a bank account so that you can just simply import your data in the future.

To actually import your data that you downloaded, press the “Import” button and select “Bank Transactions…” or press the Ctrl-I key combinations. The import wizard will guide you though the process of importing your bank or credit card data. The transaction description used by a debit or credit transaction can be ugly. However, you can create payee naming rules that will translate this description into a payee name that you would prefer. Furthermore, you can assign a vendor code to the payee naming rule that will remap the bank description to a vendor. If you use a vendor code with the payee naming rule, you can take advantage of the existing vendor memorized ATIG/D list feature to have data automatically assigned an ATIG/D code or list of codes during the import.

During the import process, for instance, the payee naming rule can detect a debit transaction to your electric company and automatically classify the transaction with the proper ATIG/D assignment. If the transaction is fully specified, the transaction will be “ready to post” and will be indicated by the “green arrow” symbol in the status column. If further edits are required, then the status will be shown with a “red x” symbol. A warning (yellow triangle with an explanation mark) will be displayed if the imported transaction is considered a duplicate transaction. In fact, you can click on the status symbol to see a list of corrections needed or an informational message.

If multiple ATIG/D codes are needed to describe the transaction, press the F2 key to duplicate the currently selected row in the list of transactions and add another ATIG/D code. A transaction record has one record with two lines of entry. The first line details the payee along with check/deposit information whereas the second line list the account code, enterprise, external code, amount, and unit information (same as in check/deposit entry). You can create as many lines as necessary for the transaction. These records will be combined into one transaction (same check/deposit number) during the post activity step. When the transaction is posted, it will be posted to accounting and the bank balances will be adjusted accordingly and the data will be available to be displayed on reports.

You can work on the batch for as long as is needed and it can be recalled when the application is opened on a later date if desired. If all transactions are ready to post, the batch will automatically be deleted. You can elect to post the ones that are ready and finish the remaining ones during another edit session or have time to research. The “Post” transaction function can be found by pressing the “Batch Activities” button and selecting “Post”.

Batch Entry Buttons



  • Entry Preferences - Allows the user to enable or disable features for batch entry, control grid sort order, and number column defaults.
  • Grid Search - This option should only be enabled or checked if you want to search a grid column for a particular value when the field is selected and highlighted in blue. Without this enabled, the in-place editor is activated immediately on a key press and any text entered into the field will change the value.
  • Show / Hide the filter row - This option is a great alterative to using the grid search feature. It works the same as in the register and detail register filter row.
  • Show / Hide the footer statistical panel - This will allow the user to customize the area at the bottom of the screen.
  • Mark Transaction as Cleared Bank on Post - Check this option if you want the batch transaction to be marked as cleared the bank when posted.
  • Reassign CK/DP Number on Fiscal Year / Bank Change - If this option is checked, the check or deposit number will be updated based on the type of number that is detected for the transaction should you change the batch fiscal year or bank account. The sequence number is determined by the beginning values for the bank account and fiscal year. The Bnnnn number will reset back to 1 for the new fiscal year.
  • Grid sort order - The grid may be sorted by either Entry Order or Check/Deposit Number.
  • Assign CK / DP Number on Manual Entry – The user can determine how the default should be for the number column in the grid. If the user is entering data from a credit card statement, set the option to “Use Number Formatted as Bnnnn” since the number being assigned is arbitrary and you don’t care nor need duplicate check number validation. On the hand, if you are entering values from your bank statement, then you may want the system to use your next check number and want validation that a duplicate transaction has been entered. So, this option is driven by how you are using batch entry. The number is formatted with or without leading zeros depending on the general application preference "Format Check Number with Leading Zeros".
  • Clear Grid Sorting - Clear any sorting and return to the order specified in entry preferences
  • Clear Grid Filtering - Clear any filters applied the grid

Add Rule

  • The payee naming rule popup window can be accessed by pressing the button, using the F3 Key, or by selecting the function from the grid popup menu (right click within the grid).


  • Create Import Data Map - Use this option to create a bank or credit card data map
  • Bank Transactions - Import bank or credit card data. This wizard uses the data map definition created in the previous menu option. You can create a new batch or add to an existing batch during the import process.
  • Payee Naming Rules - Allows you to view and maintain all payee naming rules defined for batch import.

Edit Buttons

  • New - Create a new transaction
  • Record - Save a transaction
  • Undo - Undo edits for a transaction
  • Duplicate - Duplicate the check / deposit detail (line one of two entry lines)
  • Delete - Delete a transaction line.

Batch Activities

  • New - Create a new batch; Fiscal Year, Bank Account, and Description are the required fields.
  • Open - Open an existing batch; the open will close an existing batch if one is already open and then open the selected batch.
  • Close - Close a batch
  • Mark All - Automatically Check all transactions (Grid Post Column) that are "Ready to Post"
  • Clear All - Automatically Uncheck all transactions (Grid Post Column)
  • Post - Post all transaction with a status of "Ready to Post" and have the post column checked

ATIG/D Grid Column Buttons

  • Four possible buttons can be displayed within the grid ATIG/D column. Three of them are displayed to assist with the entry of an ATIG/D code and are displayed when the grid column receives input focus. The first button is a down arrow and allows the user to search a drop down list by ATIG/D code. The second or middle button is an ellipse (three dots) that allows the user to search for an ATIG/D value from a hierarchical list of account categories with drill-downs to locate the desired income or expense code. The third button is called "L/R" for Loans or Receivables and is dependent on the transaction type being a check or deposit respectively. The loan / receivable button allow the user to view the list of loans or receivables defined for the current year and apply it to the transaction being entered. It will automatically populate the ATIG/D along with its corresponding external code. This can help minimize using the incorrect pair of ATIG/D and external code combinations when making a loan payment or receivable amount. The fourth button is only displayed when the transaction type is a paycheck and will hide the other three buttons and will be shown as "Paycheck Detail". Clicking the Paycheck Detail button or pressing the Alt-K key will bring up the payroll paycheck detail window to allow payroll details to be entered for an employee just like a the standard paycheck entry screen.

General Changes to Applications


Application Startup / Farm Open

  • Go to the default bank account for the fiscal period last opened on application startup or the default bank account based on the fiscal year selected for open.

New Application Menu: Year-End

  • A new menu was added called "Year-End" to make it easier for new and existing user to more clearly understand and remember what steps are involved with the year-end processes. Existing sub-menus from the File (New Fiscal Year and Payroll Calendar Year-End) and Utilities (Updated Tax Table) were moved to the Year-End menu. Step 1 to 3 indicates the order in which the processes need to be run. For instance, Step 1 is for New Fiscal Year. If the user has setup their fiscal year as a non-calendar year, then it may not be necessary to run this step in order to continue with the step 2 and 3 for payroll. Payroll is a calendar year activity so it only requires that the new fiscal year exist for the new calendar year. The Update Tax Table process requires that user close their farm database before the update can be run so that is why it is a grayed out or disabled menu option when the database is open.
  • Show the last tax year downloaded as part of the menu description based on database default folder. This does not indicate if the tax table has been applied to the opened farm database. Should you want to determine if the current tax year has been applied to the open farm database, you should review "Tax Table" from the Setup menu. It should be noted that the tax table update only needs to be downloaded once. After the download, it can be applied to the farm database at your convenience.

Application Preferences

  • Installation process will save and restore your preferences on upgrades.
  • Options - A new option to allow you to control whether or not to automatically create ending accrued income / expense when creating beginning accrued values.
  • Options - A new option "Reset Transaction Description on ATIG/D Change" will allow the user to control the behavior when changing an ATIG/D code for a check / deposit detail transaction line.
  • Options - Two new options for check book entry for "Check Number and Status" - DB/CR and DB/CR and cleared. When either of these options is selected, the check number will be defaulted to DB and CR for the check number or deposit number respectively.
  • Options - New option "Default Date on New Entry" to allow you to control how you want the date to be defaulted on a new entry. You can select to always use today’s date or to recall the date of the transaction entered. This option is used on the batch entry, check, paycheck, and deposit tabs for new entries.
  • Backup - A new option to backup and restore your preference settings. You have the option to have the preferences backed up every time you apply any changes or to manually backup or restore the settings as desired. Passwords will not be backed up or restored.
  • Email - Support added for SMTP mail servers (Outgoing email) that require SSL encrypted connections. A new button "Gmail Defaults" was included to allow users to quickly provide the basic values for use with Gmail accounts. The user name and password for Gmail would be the same ones you use to lo

Grid Changes

  • Grid Filter Row Searches - The wild card character used in the filter row was changed from % to *. The wild card character may be used as a prefix and / or suffix to a search string.
  • Grids replaced to allow incremental searches in most columns to locate records quickly. Place the cursor in the column and start typing to locate a value. What you see must be typed in. For instance, searching a date column requires that the separator character be entered. Also, clicking the column header row changes the sort order of that column (ascending or descending). Hold down the shift key and then click on the header row to sort by multiple columns.

Window Sizes

  • Windows sizes have been increased for better viewing. The minimum screen resolution for FarmBooks is 1024 x 768 or higher.

Database Engine

  • The database engine has been updated from version 8.x to 10.x. User that purchased the server engine for a multiple user environment will be required to update the server engine before upgrading to FarmBooks version or greater.

Printer Change

  • The printer object for the report engine was initialized to blank to allow Crystal Reports to use the default printer. Now, the windows default printer is explicitly retrieved for the report engine to ensure that all attributes of the printer are initialized. Sometimes NOT all the specified features / attributes of the defaulter printer were observed like duplexing.

Database Conversion


This release requires a conversion before the database may be opened.

  • New database tables added to support the batch entry.
  • Additional indexes added to the transaction, ATIGD, ATIGD Views, and External Master Tables to reduce report and other process execution times.

Inventory Changes


New Accrued Income / Expense ATIGD Codes

  • New database tables added to support the batch entry.
  • Additional indexes added to the transaction, ATIGD, ATIGD Views, and External Master Tables to reduce report and other process execution times.

Additional Inventory ATIGD Codes

  • See the complete list of ATIG codes added in the section "Balance Sheet Assets Section to Include New Accrued Codes plus Additional ATIG Codes" below.

Inventory User Interface Changes

  • The leftmost window tree images at the ATIG/D level changed to help the user distinguish Accrued Account Codes Accrued Account Codes from Inventory Codes Inventory Codes. Also, the popup entry screen shows this image at the top with inventory ATIGD description fields shown in a blue font whereas the accrued income ATIG/D informational fields being displayed in green and expense in maroon.
  • See Data at More Levels - Adding (Add button enabled) inventory or accrued codes is still restricted to ATIG or ATIG/D tree levels as in the past. However, the list of entered codes will be displayed for all levels except the top-most level of the tree. This will allow the number of items to be displayed along with the total operating amount. At the higher levels, the list will include the ATI description whereas it will not be shown at the ATIG/D levels. The enterprise code and description columns were added to help the user distinguish the same ATIG/D value among their various enterprises. Edits and Deletes may be preformed at these new levels. You may select multiple rows and press the delete key to quickly erase several entries that you may no longer want. Also, the grid contains a group box to allow a column header to be pulled into the area so that a grouping will be performed on that column showing a count and total amount summary line in the grid.
  • New search fields give the user new ways to quickly navigate to an ATIG/D code in the leftmost window. If the user knows the code, then use the "Go To" option to position directly to it. Also, the user may locate a code by description by using either the ATI description, G code description, or the D code description.

Invoice Updates


Statement Process

  • Assess Finance Charge was not always assessing a fee if more than 30 days had elapsed since the due date or last finance charge. Now, it will include all open invoices over 30 days or 28/29 days for February depending on a leap year. Also, when selecting or deselecting a customer to assess a finance charge, the count and balance summary information is updated immediately instead of requiring you to move from the assess check box.
  • When creating statements based on a "statement period date range", it was not correctly displaying the aged amounts at the bottom of the statement and could have displayed negative aged amounts or large positive amounts. However, the amount due was correct for the statement (adding aged amounts). You would not have noticed this condition if you ran the statement selection criteria by "all open transactions as of a statement date".
  • "Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset" would sometimes be displayed when running a statement depending on statement date entered. This error was sometimes generated when trying to calculate the aging for the balance forward amount for the specified statement date.
  • When checking the additional option "Include Invoice Transaction Detail", the source document form column settings controls whether the item short, item long, or unit price is included in the transaction detail or not. For instance, if you have hidden the item long description for the invoice form, then all transaction detail lines will exclude this value from the statement.

Number of Decimal Places on Forms and Statements

  • Number of decimal places defined in the application preferences controls the accuracy displayed for quantity and unit price on the form (estimates, invoices, and credit memos).
  • Number of decimal places defined in the application preferences will be passed to the statement to display the unit price and quantity if selecting "Include Invoice Transaction Detail" when printing statements.

On Record (Save) 7057 Error

  • After deleting a form detail line and then adding a new one, it could result in error 7057 when recording the form if the line deleted was not the last line of the form (estimate, invoice, or credit memo). The save process will now properly sequence the detail lines on record to be in entered order.

Quantity Code is required for unit entry

  • Using an ATIG/D code that requires units to be entered as the default income in invoice preference would result in the error message "Quantity code is required for unit entry" when entering the quantity and would prevent creating the invoice line.

New Delete Options

  • A dropdown menu was added to the delete button. In the previous version, the button allowed you to delete records (estimate, invoice, payment, or credit memo) from the topmost grid only. Now, this delete option is shown as form in the dropdown list. Two additional menu options were added to allow the user to delete a single detail line / multiple selected detail lines, or all detail lines. New FarmBooks users had difficulty knowing that you could select a detail line and press the delete or control-delete key to erase a line. Also, a popup menu was associated to the detail grid to allow the user to right click to add a new detail line or access the new delete detail line options.

Invoice Preferences

  • Changing the active indicator was not saved if the window was closed without moving to a different record. Now, the record is automatically saved on form close- Applies to Payment Terms, Sales Taxes, Sales Tax Groups, Customers, and Product and Service Items.
  • Allow grid incremental search for Product and Service Items.
  • Email Forms was changed to search and replace for the form subject line and email body with the Options Remitter Company Name if defined. This replacement will occur during email transmission.
  • Email Forms supports Gmail accounts.

Bank Accounts

  • Default bank account can be assigned per fiscal year to be used on application startup. To set, simply place a check mark in the default column for the desired bank account from the list of bank accounts.
  • Changed the check format label to be shown as a hyper link to allow the user to go to the check format data to hide / show the check memo line if desired. This feature was exposed in version but would only display by changing the mouse cursor to a hand with a pointing finger. The user has to scroll to the right in the popup window format list to find the "suppress memo line" column and either check or uncheck to hide or show the memo line on the check.
  • Import Data Map is a new field that is associated with the new batch entry data feature for users that import their bank / credit card data from a CSV (comma separated values) file via their online banking / credit card statement. The user creates a bank data map definition during the import process of batch entry. The user can change the data map association or remove a data map in the bank setup if desired. This is not a required field and is only used if importing bank or credit card data for batch entry.

Loans and Receivables


New Optional Fields

  • Additional optional fields were added to allow more details to be captured about the activity. These new values are carried forward during the new fiscal year process. See next points for the new field’s detail. Group boxes were added to the popup screen to assist new users with the loan/receivable setup.
  • Loans capture optional details about the loan including maturity rate, interest rate and notes about the loan.
  • Receivable allows the user to capture a note about the receivable.

Farm Loan ATIG Liability Section Reclassification and G Code Changes

  • See the section "Balance Sheet Liabilities Section Changes and New Accrued Expense Codes" below to see how ATIG 1022 / 2022 through 1026 / 2026 have been reclassified and the new G-Code descriptions. The existing transaction and setup data will not be changed and will appear on the balance sheet report as in the past. During the new fiscal year process, the ATIGD setup data and beginning balances will be updated to reflect the change in liability sections and data for the new fiscal year will be shown on the balance sheet as listed below. It is recommend that you review the beginning balances for loans / receivables after running the new fiscal year process to determine if you want to change (delete and re-add with a new ATIGD) the rolled over liability mapping.

Farm Receivable ATIG Asset G Code Change

  • ATIG 1066 / 2066 g code description changed from "Intermediate A/R" to "Stockholders". See the section "Balance Sheet Assets Section Receivables G-Code Description Change" below.

ATI – ATIG/D Codes

  • Inventory 501 and 510 codes created and shown in the Non-Farm Income as the inventory codes have different descriptions than there corresponding 001 and 010 cash codes. This will allow you to de-active or change the g-code description if desired. No additional 501 may be added as the inventory codes are restricted to g-codes 2, 7, and 8.
  • New ATIG/D Codes Added or Changed in this release. For a complete list, see the section below "New or Changed ATIG Codes".
  • Additional cash codes added as inventory codes. For a complete list, see the section below "Balance Sheet Assets Section to Include New Accrued Codes plus Additional ATIG Codes"
  • 1066 / 2066 g-code description changed from INTERMEDIATE A/R to STOCKHOLDERS. See section below "Balance Sheet Assets Section Receivables G-Code Description Change"
  • ATI description changes. ATI 065 changed from OTHER LIVESTOCK to OTHER LIVESTOCK, RESALE. ATI 068 changed from SEED-SUPPLY SALES to SUPPLIES PURCH, RESALE.
  • Balance Sheet liabilities section reclassification for selected ATIG/D codes. For a complete list, see the section "Balance Sheet Liabilities Section Changes and New Accrued Expense Codes".
  • Was not showing the grid highlight bar for selected or focused row.

ATI Budget

  • Export to Excel was exporting amounts as text and not numbers.
  • 1066 / 2066 g-code description changed from INTERMEDIATE A/R to STOCKHOLDERS. See section below "Balance Sheet Assets Section Receivables G-Code Description Change"
  • ATI description changes. ATI 065 changed from OTHER LIVESTOCK to OTHER LIVESTOCK, RESALE. ATI 068 changed from SEED-SUPPLY SALES to SUPPLIES PURCH, RESALE.
  • Balance Sheet liabilities section reclassification for selected ATIG/D codes. For a complete list, see the section "Balance Sheet Liabilities Section Changes and New Accrued Expense Codes".
  • Was not showing the grid highlight bar for selected or focused row.

External Codes

  • Allow vendor name or external code description to be created with an apostrophe.
  • Changing the active indicator was not saved if the window was closed without moving to a different record. Now, the record is automatically saved on form close.
  • 1066 / 2066 g-code description changed from INTERMEDIATE A/R to STOCKHOLDERS. See section below "Balance Sheet Assets Section Receivables G-Code Description Change"
  • ATI description changes. ATI 065 changed from OTHER LIVESTOCK to OTHER LIVESTOCK, RESALE. ATI 068 changed from SEED-SUPPLY SALES to SUPPLIES PURCH, RESALE.
  • Balance Sheet liabilities section reclassification for selected ATIG/D codes. For a complete list, see the section "Balance Sheet Liabilities Section Changes and New Accrued Expense Codes".
  • Was not showing the grid highlight bar for selected or focused row.

Employee Setup

  • Changed the entry of employee from a window with two tabs to be a wizard that steps the user through the process of defining or changing employee data. It was too confusing for users to find the payroll earnings and benefit / deduction data plus this data is dependent on information defined on the first page.
  • Removed restriction that an earning line or gross pay on a paycheck must be greater than zero.

Payroll Default Codes

  • Change the check mark indicators were not saved if the window was closed without moving to a different record. Now, the record is automatically saved on form close.
  • New "Retrieve ATIGD Items" button to automatically add any new account ATIG/D Labor Hired codes added in ATI ATIG/D Setup. This will setup the D code description and corresponding withheld 941Gx and payment 041Gx code automatically and assign a print priority. Then you can make any final edits as needed.

Enterprise Code Changes

  • Poultry code 66 was changed from OSTRICH type HEAD to FALLOW type ACRES and the enterprise category changed to Crop
  • Poultry code 60 EMU was changed to OSTRICH-EMU

Enterprise Allocation Changes

  • Update grids to support incremental search and filtering. The ATIG allocation list grid also includes group boxes along with totals and counts.
  • Select and Delete multiple records.
  • Entering Total Weight and Amount will calculate the Weight per Unit and Price per Unit respectively.
  • Exposed the External Number field to allow the user to override the ATIG description and use the External Number Description on the allocation transaction.

Payroll Calendar Year-End Changes

  • The payroll calendar year end process was updated to allow the process to be run multiple times if desired. The only condition is that no paychecks exist for the new calendar year. If the process has been previously run, it will remove all employee setup data and recreate them. This will allow you to rerun the process if you selected the incorrect option to create or copy payroll defaults.
  • Fixed an issue where the process might not copy options correctly or omit some if "ALL" default and active indicators were not checked for payroll default codes for the previous year. This may have resulted in not all of the check marks being copied correctly.

Update Tax Table Changes

  • The update tax table process was changed to support non-Kansas farms. For non-Kansas users, the process will save and restore state (exempt, single, and married) tax rates along with rates for unemployment, farm automobile percentages, and farm utilities percentages. The most recent state tax year is rolled forward for the current year. The state is determined from the farm number being processed. The process functions as in the past for Kansas farm databases.
  • On December 1, the “update tax table” process starts to look for the next tax year to download. If you have not downloaded the current year’s tax table and need to because you are entering your payroll data for the current year, you will need to download it from the website. It was discovered that if the tax table does not exist for the new tax year, it will replace the table taxrate.adt in the application’s default folder with a zero byte file. Should this file be applied to the local farm database, it would result in an error 7010 being reported when trying to access any payroll tax related activity in FarmBooks.

New Fiscal Year Changes

  • Option added to roll-over inventory accrued income / expense balances.

Data Export

  • Option added to export inventory current liabilities balance.

Restore Database Changes

  • If the control folder was being restored from a database backup set, it was erasing files in the control folder before the restore (only files in the database "restore to folder" should be erased). This would not produce any noticeable error or problem with the restore. However, it would result in problems with the new fiscal year process and it would not create the ATIG/D codes for the new fiscal year.
  • Total expected File Count increased from 69 to 78.

View Exports and View Invoice Archive Changes

  • You may sort the list by click on the column heading.

Reconcile Tab

  • Using the Balance Menu and selecting Reconcile Bank, the Statement window was never presented which would result in the list not being restricted correctly. Also it would leave this tab displayed if the farm database were closed. Now, the reconcile tab is hidden on farm close.
  • The last statement closing balance is captured during the reconciliation process to be used as the default opening balance for the bank account's next reconciliation.
  • Mark All and Clear All Buttons added to list of buttons along to the top of the tab. This functionality was available in the past but the user had to right click within the grid to use this features and was difficult for users to find. It is now exposed for easier access to mark or clear all checks or deposits. It was documented in the "quick key" section under the help menu and the select the "Reconcile Entry" tab. It should be noted that the "Space Bar" can be used to toggle the clear status for either the check or deposit depending on which grid has the highlight bar displaying. It will automatically advance to the next entry in the grid.

Register Tab


New Features – Export Grid Records to Excel

  • Export button to allow the grid data to be exported to excel. If the grid has been filtered, then only the rows that qualify for the filter will be exported.

Grid Changes

  • Highlight bar shown for the selected / focused row in the grid.
  • Wildcard character changed from % to *. Use the * as a prefix or suffix to a search string in the filter row to quickly find a group of records.
  • New "Balance" column shows the running bank balance for each transaction. If the grid is filtered, the balance column will not show the balance amount until the filter is removed. The last transaction balance should match the ending balance for the bank account.
  • Maintain the grid position after maintaining the bank setup data.

Bank Transfer

  • The memo field was exposed to allow you to enter details about the transfer between bank accounts.

Detail Register Tab


Export Grid Records To Excel

  • Export button to allow the grid data to be exported to excel. If the grid has been filtered, then only the rows that qualify for the filter will be exported.

New Grid Features

The existing grid was updated to include several new features over the previous versions. The new grid will allow the user to interact with their data more easily. The features are very similar to register tab grid.

  • Highlight bar shown for the selected / focused row in the grid.
  • Group Box to allow columns from the grid to be placed in the box for grouping of data and totaling.
  • Filter Row to allow for quick searching for data in the grid for any column. A wildcard character of * can be used as a prefix or suffix to a search string. For instance, enter "*income*" to find the word "income" anywhere in the field or "income*" for strings that begin with the word "income". In fact, with the filter row, the use of the leftmost panel of field restrictions is no longer necessary. In a future version, the options in the leftmost panel may be re-evaluated and possibly be removed.
  • Filters may be applied by using the header column drop down list and checking desired values. A unique column list of grid values are displayed in the drop down list based on data in the grid.
  • Incremental search for any grid column. Place the cursor in the grid data column and start typing to find a record. Use the Ctrl-Up Arrow or Ctrl-Down Arrow Key combinations to find the previous or next occurrence of the highlighted string respectively.
  • Navigator bar added to the bottom of the grid to allow movement by a single record, page of records, set a bookmark and later return to the bookmark, or define an advanced filter for a combination of fields based on user specified conditions.
  • Sort the grid column by multiple columns by hold down the shift key and pressing the column head to sort by the column in ascending order (blue font). Click the column again to change the sort direction from ascending to descending (maroon font). Click the next column to add a secondary column to the sort and then release the shift button when you have added all the fields that you wanted. The columns that can be sorted are restricted to the available columns defined in the option sort list. In a future release, these may be expanded to include all columns.
  • Hide / Show columns for an edit session. These choices will not be saved for a future session after FarmBooks is closed. This feature can be found by locating the first button in the title row of the grid and has a drop down list of all columns. Check / uncheck to show / hide a column. Also, the vendor code and memo columns are exposed here and may be added to grid for viewing for the edit session.
  • A new vendors search was added to the external codes drop down choice to allow you to search for a specific vendor code. It is important to note that checks or deposit can be entered without defining or using a vendor. Hence, the vendor/payee column was exposed to allow for a payee to be searched using the column filter row for instances where a vendor codes was not used. This option applies to both the detail and payee transaction views of the grid.
  • Print register report is grid data aware (print what is displayed in the grid) of grid filters placed in the filter row or advanced grid filters of the grid and will be displayed on the criteria page of the report.
  • Transactions can be edited by either pressing the edit button or double clicking the transaction in the grid which will load the data into the corresponding check, paycheck, or deposit tab as in the past. Upon returning to the detail register tab, the position will be maintained without causing the grid to jump and move the transaction to a new location. Also, the grid scrolling is smoot

Option – “View” with New Options

View has several new options to allow the user to control the grid features. User can control the following:

  • Set / Change column order for display in the grid.
  • Set the grid font size of the data rows and header title row.
  • Decide whether or not to show the new filter row and group box. Also, the user can enable the grid "column auto width" if the user has a wide screen monitor or has a high screen resolution and wants to use all the additional display width to see their data. Users using a low screen resolution may not want to use this option.
  • Date Handling for Column "Date" may be used to control how dates are shown in the column drop down list for filtering. For instance, user can use the relative options to show dates as last week, last month, etc. The "Grouping Row" option is used to control how group and total records for the group by box. For instance, set this to month and dragging the date column to the group by box and it will show totals by month whereas "Relative to Today" will show last week, last month, last year, this month, etc. depending on the data displayed in the grid.

Option – “Sort”

  • A new payee/vendor column was added to detail filter options view. The user can add this new column to the sort order if desired.

Option – New Menu

  • A new menu option "Restore (Sort and Column) Order Preferences" was added to the options drop down menu. This will allow the user to quickly restore the grid back to user specified preferences defined in the sort and view options. For instance, if a column has been placed in the group box for grouping and totaling, using this option will remove the column from the group box and set it back in grid for column display.

Report Updates


New Option

  • New option to Suppress Unit, Unit Price, or Weight if Zero. Check this option to not show zero values on the report. This option applies to all reports that show unit, unit price, or weight.

New Reports

  • Schedule F ATIG/D Data Map is a new report that can be found in the Tax Value section that shows all the ATIG/D codes used for each line of the report.
  • 1099 Vendors and the Transaction Journal report can be run for a single vendor.
  • New Trial Balance report. The Trial Balance report is a list of all the accounts (both revenue and capital) of the business. The value will hold either a debit balance value or a credit balance value and will be listed on the report in their respective debit or credit column. The trial balance is generally reviewed before the Profit and Loss (Income) Statement and the Balance Sheet along with other financial reports to ensure that all business activity has been completely and accurately captured for each account listed on the trial balance.

Report Changes

  • Schedule F report changed from reporting at the ATI level to the ATIG/D level to allow some codes to be removed or reported in other sections of the report. See Schedule F notes above in New Reports for a complete list of ATIG/D codes used for each line of the report.
  • Report controller reorganized for the Transaction Journal report to give more options with fewer choices. The "g-code breakdown" was moved to the option group in the rightmost window instead of being listed with each report choice. Also, the labor withholding codes (941x) can be included or excluded from the report. The ATI totals line is shaded gray to visibly separate the sections on the report. A new selected payee (vendor) report choice was added. It is import to note that a check or deposit may be saved without using a vendor code so if you determine that transaction is not being listed on the report, it could be that you added the vendor code after the transaction was saved. Run the data analysis process to determine if it will assign the vendor code to the transaction (matches by vendor description to assign the vendor code). If not, edit the transaction and assign the correct vendor from the drop down list in check/deposit entry.
  • 1099 Vendors - Detail or Summary can be run for a single vendor or, as in previous versions, for all vendors. Also, income ATIG/D codes included on checks are excluded from the summary report and are shown in blue font with an asterisk by the amount on the detail report indicating that "Amounts for Income ATIG/D codes are excluded from the payments to Vendor Total".
  • Projected Cash Flow report gives the user the option to include a projected operating loan balance section which adds a beginning operating loan balance to the total net inflow for a projected running balance per month. If the projected beginning operation loan balance is zero, then the projected balance section is omitted from the report.
  • Payroll Form 943 report gives the user the option to include 943-A which breaks down the Federal (social security, Medicare, and Federal) tax liability per day for semiweekly payers. An incorrect value could be reported on line 2 for total wages subject to social security taxes depending on if the user had assigned employee codes for payments. If the user had used external codes for predefined system codes (above 980) for recording of payments, the report would have shown correct values. Not all users would have observed this problem. The report has been corrected to give the correct value regardless of if employee codes are used on payment records.
  • Payroll Summary by FICA Status - All Employees, Payroll Analysis - All Employees, and Payroll Analysis - Single Employee reports: All three reports had the gross wages moved to the top of section. "Total Wages" changed to "Total Labor Expenses".
  • Payroll Analysis – All Employees and Payroll Analysis - Single Employee reports show the FICA wages in red if the paycheck data FICA status does not match the employee setup data.
  • Payroll Summary report would show a blank page if there was no payroll data defined for the calendar year. Now, the report will display with zero values. Footnote changed from "values not equal to the amount held times two" to show the actual employer and employee portions of tax rates used for social security. Gross Wages and Total Labor Expenses lines switched to be consistent with the other reports.
  • Payroll Pay Stub Report shows the FICA Exempt: Yes/No indicator in red if the paycheck data does not match the employee setup data. Also, the wage line shows the rate of pay after the description for both hourly and salaried employees.
  • Paycheck voucher was changed to show the rate of pay on the wage line after the description for both hourly and salaried employees.
  • Payroll Pay Stub Report would show the same YTD values if you recorded two paychecks on the same day to the same employee. The process now includes check number as part of YTD calculation and it assumes that check numbers will be sequential and increasing numbers otherwise the YTD may be the same for multiple paychecks to the same employee for the same day.
  • Balance Sheet Report updated to included Accrued Income and Expense amounts. The accrued income is reported as separate new item whereas the accrued expense amounts are combined with the accounts payable section of the balance sheet. The schedules were updated to include accrued income / expense items. There were some additional ATIGD codes added to inventory that were previously not included. See the section "Inventory Changes" for a more detailed list of codes.
  • The new accrued income / expense codes were added to the Income Statement Report as a single adjustment line (see footnote in the report). Also, the codes were added to the Inventory Detail Listing. With this release accrued income / expense codes were not added the enterprise reports and will be re-evaluated and reviewed after the crop production module modification is complete.
  • The code listing for Enterprise Listing was changed to allow the user to sort the report either by enterprise number or description by pressing the sort button.
  • Payroll Form 941, 943, 944 reports updated to more closely paraphrase and numbers to match the 2012 IRS respective forms. In the previous versions, summing the individual monthly amounts would not always equal the total for all months displayed. Now, the rounding’s (pennies) caused by grouping the values into the monthly section are either added or subtracted from the first non-zero month.
  • The Payroll 944 report was not always correctly summarizing the social security wages for an employee and was dependent upon the last transaction read for the employee. The 941 quarterly report showed the correct values when run for the yearly date range.
  • Payroll Form 940 report had some wording changes based on the latest specification provided by the IRS.
  • Enterprise Transaction Journal now breaks down allocation transactions into new sections "Other Income" and "Other Expenses" to allow for more subtotaling for the section. In the past, the allocations were included in the "Others" section. The subtotal section for inventory was removed as it does not make sense to total beginning and ending inventory values. Now, it is just showing them as activity for the enterprise. The A-Codes 7, 8, and 9 were listed on the report for livestock without showing the descriptions that these were for births, weanings, and deaths respectively. A report summary section was added to show total income, total expense, and net profit per enterprise.

Other Changes

  • Number of decimal places defined in the application preferences now controls the accuracy displayed for units and unit price in the reports – Transaction Journal, Financial Analysis, Check Register Detail, Balance Sheet Schedules, External Number, Operating Inventory List, Inventory Analysis, Enterprise Analysis for Selected Enterprise Transactions (units only), Enterprise Transaction Journal, and Unallocated Enterprise Transaction Journal.
  • The report option rule "Auto Select All Bank Accounts for New Fiscal Period" for "Auto Adjust Bank Accounts for New Fiscal Year" did not always select all bank accounts when changing the fiscal year and depended on if all bank accounts existed between the changed and new fiscal year.
  • Changing the Fiscal Year could have resulted in an Access Violation Error Message if you were viewing a report with a bank account and using "Don’t Select any Bank Accounts for New Fiscal Period" rule.
  • Report Controller window opens as maximized.
  • Popup menu and buttons at bottom of display added to leftmost window to allow the list of reports to be manipulated more easily with options "Expand All" or "Collapse All".

Check/Paycheck/Deposit Processing Changes

  • New Application Preference for "Check Number and Status" - DB/CR and DB/CR and Cleared will set the default check number to DB and deposit number to CR. If the cleared option is select, the transaction will be marked that it has cleared the bank.
  • Data Entry (Grid Entry) for check / deposit entry had the "Tab" key behavior changed to match the same behavior as the "Enter" key. Now, if you have the preference setup to skip unit entry and the ATIG/D used does not require unit entry, using the Tab key will move to the next detail line as does the Enter key.
  • Duplicate check number validation is now restricted to just a single fiscal year for the bank account. In the past, it was checking all fiscal years for a bank account. This was causing issues for users that were restarting check numbers previous used. If a duplicate check number is detected when printing a series of checks, the check number will be shown in the warning message.
  • Using today as the default void date could result in the date not being in correct fiscal period. Now, the transaction (check or paycheck) date is used for the void print check process.
  • "Save and New" application preference was not applied if editing an existing transaction. It only was used on a new transaction. This was confusing to the user because the screen was not cleared for a new transaction after the save and causing the user to think that the transaction was not saved. Now, it prompts for a new transaction after editing and saving an existing transaction.
  • Paycheck entry allows an enterprise code to be set differently on each detail line. If you want to set a single enterprise for all lines or the unspecified lines, then continue to use the "Enterprise Assignment for the Unspecified" at the top of the paycheck entry window.
  • Paycheck print process was not enforcing the print priorities defined in payroll default setup.
  • Allow Zero Deposit to be created. In the past, only checks would allow a zero amount. This would be situation where a transaction has an income and expense line that would cancel each other out.
  • Zero Amounts will result in a warning confirmation on transaction save. Amounts less than zero are not permitted. If this is the case, then you will need to separate the single transaction into two transactions as a check and deposit.
  • ATIG codes 0045 (Itemized Expense for Non-Farm Interest) and 0085 (Non-Farm Auto Expense for Loan Interest) are loan interest type codes that require the use of an external code. This has been changed to only a warning since these codes were changed in the previous release and did not require the use of an external code.
  • New ATIG/D search options by description for data entry (grid entry) check book entry option. The Income / Expense ATIG/D popup for the check/deposit grid will allow you to search by ATI description, g code description or d code description. The search by description options will be available for reports, detail register, invoicing, etc. In a future release, this search by description will be re-evaluated to determine if will be included in the check / deposit detail window for the novice (detail window) check book entry option.
  • Income / Expense ATIG/D popup for hierarchy display of account codes would not always position to the code in the list for the code entered in the grid or edit control.
  • Don't Show Zip+4 as Zeroes if none specified.
  • New Application Preference for "Default Date on New Entry" allows the user to default the date by selecting either "Use Today's Date" or "Recall Date of Last Transaction". In the past versions, it functioned as if "Recall..." was selected.

Removed Messages

  • Removed warning message for payroll tax payment with regards to using previous year external codes. The message removed is "If the "Payroll Tax Payment" is for the PREVIOUS year, use external codes in the range "985" - "990" so that your payroll reports will be accurate for the current year."
  • Removed message and requirement that the check/deposit "Amount must be specified before adding detail lines."

Balance Sheet Liabilities Section Changes and New Accrued Expense Codes

ATIG G-Code Description New G-Code Description Current Liabilities Section Changed To OR New Liabilities Section
1022 / 2022 CURRENT I.T. LIAB. CONTINGENT TAX LIABILITY Current I.T. Liability Notes Payable – Current
1023 / 2023 CURRENT L.T. LIAB. CURRENT – INTERMEDIATE Current L.T. Liability Current I.T Liability
Accounts Payable Current L.T. Liability
Accounts Payable Notes Payable – Current
1026 / 2026 INTERMEDIATE LOAN STOCKHOLDERS Notes Payable Intm. Notes Payable – Current
A-Code = 1   Farm Expense Codes   Accrued Expense with Accounts Payable

Balance Sheet Assets Section Receivables G-Code Description Change

ATIG G-Code Description New G-Code Description Asset Section Unchanged
1066 / 2066 INTERMEDIATE A/R STOCKHOLDERS Other Receivables

Balance Sheet Assets Section to Include New Accrued Codes play Additional ATIG Codes

Inventory G-Code
G-Code Description / Notes Balance Sheet Section
Only 5 Code from 507 for Inventory  
Inventory Descriptions Different from Cash
Inventory only needs G-Codes 2,7,8
List in Non-Farm Income for maintenance
Section varies by Code
Future Payment Funds Cash on Hand/Banks
Hedging Account Balance Misc. Rec-Securities
Saving & CDs Cash on Hand/Banks
Only 5 Code from 507 for Inventory  
Propane (Non-Farm Usage) Feed-Supplies-Other
Inventory Descriptions Different from Cash
List in Non-Farm Income for ATIGD maintenance
Non-Farm Investments
Other Non-Farm Real Estate Non-Farm Investments
Residence Non-Farm Investments
Furniture-Personal Items Non-Farm Investments
Cash Value for Life Insurance Non-Farm Investments
Non-Farm Investment Non-Farm Investments
Securities Non-Farm Investments
Non-Farm Investment Non-Farm Investments
Stock-Bonds Non-Farm Investments
Retirement Accounts Non-Farm Investments
Only G-codes 6-9 for inventory (same as cash) Feed-Supplies-Other
Same as Cash Codes Feed-Supplies-Other
Same as Cash Codes Feed-Supplies-Other
Same as Cash Codes Feed-Supplies-Other
Add Dairy Section to Inventory
Add New G-Code 7 for both Inventory/Cash
Livestock/Other Resale
BST Livestock/Other Resale
Only 5 Code from 556 for Inventory  
Propane (Farm Usage) Feed-Supplies-Other
Farm Income Codes Accrued Income
Farm Expense Codes Accrued Expense with Accounts Payable

New or Changed ATIG Codes

ATIG New G Code Description Current G Code Description
0078 Internet  
0222 Cheese  
0223 Other Dairy Products  
0568 Internet  
0507 BST  
0015 Sales-Business Sales
0019 Fees-IRA-Misc Fees-Misc
0105 Sales-Business Sales
0144 Young Breeding Gilts Breeding Sows
0321 Trucking Truck
0324 Tillage Tillage Machinery
0326 Sprayer Cultivating
0425 Building Repair Building
0445 Custom Feeding Wheat
0448 Alfalfa Alfalfa Hay
0449 Other Hay-Forage Other Hay-Pasture
0462 Phosphorus Phosphorus
0471 Trucking Truck
0476 Spraying Cultivating
0489 Other Internet
0511 Marketing Services Custom Feeding Exp
0554 Motor Vehicle Insurance Motor. Equip. Ins.
0912 Young Cows Young Heifers
0922 Young Cows Young Heifers
0671 Truck Crops, Fruits-Berries-Nuts Corn
0672 Corn Grain Sorghum
0673 Grain Sorghum Soybeans
0674 Nursery Crops & Vegetables Wheat
0676 Wheat Hay and Forage
0677 Alfalfa Vegetables
0678 Other Hay & Forage Truck Crops
0679 Soybeans Nursery Crops
0771 Truck Crops, Fruits-Berries-Nuts Corn
0772 Corn Grain Sorghum
0773 Grain Sorghum Soybeans
0774 Nursery Crops & Vegetables Wheat
0776 Wheat Hay and Forage
0777 Alfalfa Vegetables
0778 Other Hay & Forage Truck Crops
0779 Soybeans Nursery Crops

ATI Description Changes

ATI New ATI Description Current ATI Description