The Importance of Backups

It is very important that FarmBooks users backup their database on a regular basis. Backing up to a CD or thumb drive may not be enough. For users who want even more assurance that their data is secure and easily retrievable, Sanders Software offers two secure offsite backup options.
Users can choose to backup their FarmBooks database via secure FTP for as little as $5 a month or backup their entire system via online backups for as little as $20 a month.
FarmBooks Database Backup via Secure FTP

FarmBooks users have the option to backup their database to Sanders Software’s remote storage center via secure FTP.
You may think “I already perform backups. Why do I need FarmBooks Online Backup Service?”. Even if you already backup your data, FTP backup offers these advantages:
Online Full System Backups

Sanders Software also offers online backups for entire PCs and Servers. All business critical data can be automatically backed up every night to our secure server. You can then restore your data at any time by simply going online and clicking the Restore option
FarmBooks Secure FTP Backups Quote

If you would like to take advantage of the Offsite Secure FTP option, please contact FarmBooks Support or simply fill out the form below. Once we have received your signup form, we will send you the steps for setting up your FTP backups.