FarmBooks FAQ

Please see below for answers to FarmBooks frequently asked questions.
Pre-Sale Questions
Batch Entry
The status column indicates if the transaction requires additional edits, is a possible duplicate, or has all the required field values and is ready to post. The status column could have one of three possible values: “Edits Required”, “Warning Issued”, or “Ready to Post”. These statuses are shown in the leftmost statistically panel at the bottom of the window along with number of lines and amounts for each status. In fact, you can click on the status symbol in the grid to see a list of corrections needed or an informational message for that transaction.
During the import process, for instance, the payee naming rule can detect a debit transaction to your electric company and automatically classify the transaction with the proper ATIG/D assignment. If the transaction is fully specified, the transaction will be “ready to post” and will be indicated by the “green arrow” symbol in the status column. If further edits are required, then the status will be shown with a “red x” symbol. A warning (yellow triangle with an explanation mark) will be displayed if the imported transaction is considered a duplicate transaction.
Four possible buttons can be displayed within the grid ATIG/D column. Three of them are displayed to assist with the entry of an ATIG/D code and are displayed when the grid row receives input focus. The first button is a down arrow and allows the user to search a drop down list by ATIG/D code. The second or middle button is an ellipse (three dots) that allows the user to search for an ATIG/D value from a hierarchical list of account categories with drill-downs to locate the desired income or expense code. The third button is called “L/R” for Loans or Receivables and is dependent on the transaction type being a check or deposit respectively. The loan / receivable button allows the user to view the list of loans or receivables defined for the current year and apply it to the transaction being entered. It will automatically populate the ATIG/D along with its corresponding external code. This can help minimize using the incorrect pair of ATIG/D and external code combinations when making a loan payment or receivable amount.
The fourth button is only displayed when the transaction type is a paycheck and will hide the other three buttons and will be shown as “Paycheck Detail”. Clicking the Paycheck Detail button or pressing the Alt-K key will bring up the payroll paycheck detail window to allow payroll details to be entered for an employee just like a the standard paycheck entry screen.
The most important thing to consider is the default assignment of the check or deposit number. This is only important if you are manually entering transactions. If you are importing transactions from your online bank or credit card, then this is not used. For manual entry, you need to consider whether you are entering credit or debit card transactions or values from your bank statement. This will determine the type of default you select.
- For credit or debit card transactions, select “Use Number Formatted as Bnnnn” as the check number is arbitrary and you don’t care. Also, you don’t need duplicate check number validation. The number is formatted with or without leading zeros depending on the general application preference “Format Check Number with Leading Zeros” for the nnnn part.
- If you are entering values from your bank statement, select “Use Bank Account’s Next number” as you want the system to assign your next check number and want validation that a duplicate transaction has been entered.
- Or you may simply select “None” if you will be assigning the number. It is important to note that only numeric numbers are validated for duplicates.
How do I map the ugly debit or credit card imported payee descriptions to something more meaningful?
Check Writing
FarmBooks supports three standard formats:
- Three checks per page
- Top check and two vouchers
- Voucher – Check – Voucher
Special check formats may be created for a fee. For ordering FarmBooks compatible checks visit the Dynamic Systems website at
You can set the format for each bank account by going to the “Balance menu” and then by selecting “Bank…”. Edit each bank account and press the “Check Format” for the “Default” section and choose the desired format. Repeat this for each bank account.
When printing checks, you can still change the format and the beginning check number.
Note: There are two formats for “Three per Page”, one by Current and the other by Dynamics. You must select the format that matches the vendor where you ordered your checks.
Tracking Loans and Credit - How do I record that transaction?
The simplest solution is a check (or deposit) for zero dollars with a 202 to pay off the loan and an offsetting 003X to record the non-taxable receipt of the forgiveness.
- Loan is received without any money being transferred to your bank account.
- Do not want to impact beginning balance sheet values.
- Do not want to enter bogus deposit and offsetting transaction to adjust the bank balance.
- Option # 1
To purchase a combine for a farm loan with no cash down payment:
Enter a zero amount check, use a Capital Asset Purchase 096x or 097x to get loan beginning balance and an offsetting entry for ATIG for 102x – Intermediate, current, or long term along with loan external code. . Use 0484 for any Finance Charge assessed by the bank. - Option # 2
To purchase a combine for a farm loan with a cash down payment and there is no trade-in:
Enter any cash down payment as the amount check, use Capital Asset Purchase 096x or 097x to get loan beginning balance and an offsetting entry for ATIG for 102x – Intermediate, current, or long term along with loan external code. Use ATIG 0484 for any Finance Charge assessed by the bank.
How should one handle a credit card whereby the balance is not paid off each month; and yet the user wants to keep specific tract of payments by account.
For example,
- User has one credit card he/she uses for almost all purchases, but does not pay off the balance each month.
- When the credit card bill is received, there is a specific listing of all the charges. That is, the user can determine what each charge was actually for based on the payee. For example, a charge at Hy Vee would be for groceries.
- The user does all his/her record keeping by the bank statement.
- Assume the credit card balance was $2,300.00, but the check in this month’s bank statement was for $450.00 to the credit card company.
What I advise users regarding this issue is as follows:
- Set up the credit card account as a bank account.
- When the credit card bill is received, record each specific charge into this bank account being specific on what the charge was for like gasoline, groceries, medicine, etc. Use one ATIG for all charges such as a loan code like “1021”.
- Print off a report of credit card charges using the External Number Report. Keep the report on file.
- When a payment is made such as the $450.00, then mark on the report what charges were actually paid.
- When the $450.00 check is included in the bank statement, then record the check and what the check was actually for by using the report listing all the charges and all the marked charges. Thus, the $450.00 check can be allocated correctly to groceries, gasoline, etc.
- After the $450.00 check has been recorded, then use the Register to “Delete” the specific items that were actually paid by the $450.00 in the Credit Card Bank Account. Then, print a new report which will show the unpaid charges. This procedure works, but it is somewhat cumbersome.
More Discussion
- If the user is an “Accrual” taxpayer, then the specific expense items are considered for tax purposes when the items are charged. Thus, items would be recorded item by item when charged (or when bill received); and thus included for tax purposes in such reports as the income statement, schedule F, etc. When the items are actually paid, only the cash is impacted and not any of the tax related reports.
- If the user is a “Cash” taxpayer, the reverse is true. Thus, both cash and the tax related statements are impacted when the items are paid. That is, charged expense items are not included and tax related reports until the item is actually paid. Since most taxpayers are “Cash” taxpayers, one can see why it so important to break down charged items by the item when a payment is made.
I would set up this line of credit as follows:
- Line of Credit set up as a bank account with Bank A.
- User writes checks on and deposits funds each month in the bank account.
- User must keep a minimum balance of $2,500.
- User records transactions when Bank Statement received.
What I would do:
- Set up a Bank A loan with External Number of 001 and beginning loan balance of $0.00 (or, actual loan balance if different from zero). ATIG codes of 1021 for farm loan received 2021 for farm loan paid (110x and 210x for a non-farm loan where x – Intermediate, current, or long term).
- When bank statement received, record the net loan balance for the month. That is, the net loan amount received or net loan amount paid by the bank.
- When reconciling the bank statement, one could use the bank interest earned; and the service charge to record interest paid to the bank. Or, one could just record the net interest.
- Five checks written during the month for $2000.
- Two deposits totaling $500.
- Since Bank A had a net loan to the account of $1500 during the month, then record a loan received of $1500 with ATIG = 1021 with Ext. # of 001.
- During reconciling use the interest earned and service charge fields to record these items. Now, if next month, deposits exceeded checks by say $500; then Bank A would repay $500 on the loan. Thus, one would record a loan payment of $500 with ATIG = 2021 with Ext. # 001. Thus, at this point, the loan balance with Bank A would be $500, and one could determine this by running a Credit Analysis Report. The loans received or loans paid by Bank A would be handled this way each month.
Code Management
Data Management
Inventory Management
Invoicing Management
You should enter the amount received in the payment window. This overpayment will then be available as a credit for the customer which may be applied to a future invoice.
The overpayment amount will be recorded against the account receivable ATIG 2065. The system will automatically create an accounts receivable external code if the description “Invoicing Unapplied Payment” does not exist and associate that code with the ATIG.
Later when the “Unapplied Payment” is applied as a credit to a future invoice, the amount will be removed from accounts receivable via ATIG 1065 with the same external code used for the “Invoicing Unapplied Payment”. This can be seen in the Credit Analysis report as a “Payment” or “Received” amount with the balance being zero once the credit is applied.
There is a help button next to the receive payment amount field that will allow you to review the account information described above.
Do I need to setup a vendor with the same name as the customer before processing a customer payment?
- Loan to John Deere needs to be paid off without impacting your bank balance.
- Insurance Paid off John Deere Loan 202x- Intermediate, current, or long term along with loan external code.
- Insurance Refund of Unused Annual Premium.
- Need Credit Analysis Report to Reflect the Loan Balance as Zero.
- Capital Assets reduced by totaled Equipment paid off by insurance.
Create a deposit for the amount of insurance premium refund or enter zero if you didn’t receive a refund of premium. Use a Capital Asset Sale 086x or 087x to get loan beginning balance and an offsetting entry for ATIG for 202x – Intermediate, current, or long term along with loan external code. Use ATIG 0392 for any insurance premium refund.
Payroll Management
Year-End Activities
From the Year-End menu, the user can see the steps necessary to prepare FarmBooks for paycheck entry. Step 1 to 3 indicates the order in which the processes need to be run. For instance, Step 1 is for New Fiscal Year. If the user has setup their fiscal year as a non-calendar year, then it may not be necessary to run this step in order to continue with the step 2 and 3 for payroll. Payroll is a calendar year activity so it only requires that the new fiscal year exist for the new calendar year. The Update Tax Table process requires that user close their farm database before the update can be run so that is why it is a grayed out or disabled menu option when the database is open.
- Step 1: New Fiscal Year
Run this wizard to copy all your codes from the current year to the new fiscal year. It is important to be aware that running this process will copy all your ending balances for inventory, loans, and bank accounts to the new fiscal year as the beginning balance. If you need go back after the new fiscal year has been created and enter a check, then it may be necessary to manually adjust the beginning balances in the new fiscal year for loans or bank accounts. - Step 2: Update Tax Table
It is important to first open or select the previous fiscal year in the register tab before you run this process. Next, run this wizard to copy employees from the previous year to the new calendar year. If you did not do payroll in the previous year and want to start using payroll, it is important to run this wizard to enable payroll to be accessible for the new calendar year. - Step 3: Payroll Calendar Year-End
Run this wizard to copy employees from the previous year to the new calendar year. If you did not do payroll in the previous year and want to start using payroll, it is important to run this wizard to enable payroll to be accessible for the new calendar year.
Program Interface
Program Management
The error message looks something like this:
AdsQueryEmpYear: Error 7200: AQE Error: State =HY000; Native Error=7008; [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL][ASA] Error 7008: The specified table, memo file or index file, or index file was unable to be opened. Table name: ext_Mast.
Does the farm name end with a period? Even it doesn’t the underlying relative path stored in the registration table may contain a trailing period. To correct this problem try the following steps:
- Go to the Personal Information window from the Setup menu and write down your registration information from the product tab.
- Close the Farm from the File menu.
- Select Change Registration Number from the File menu. Select the farm and enter registration information and press the finish button.
This will adjust the relative path information stored in the registration file. Now, open the farm and try to open the report module again. If you still obtain the error, please contact support.
Reports displaying currency amounts as whole numbers is a Windows configuration issue. To correct this, use the following steps.
- Step 1: Click on your computer’s Start menu and then click on Control Panel
- Step 2 (Windows XP): Click on Regional and Settings Options
- Step 2 (Windows 7): Click on Clock, Language and Region and then click on Region and Language
- Step 3: Check that a language format is selected (for example, English – United States)
- Step 4: On the Formats Tab, press the “Additional Settings” button in the bottom right corner and confirm decimal settings
- Step 5: Please review the Numbers Tab and the Currency Tab for the number of digits after the decimal.
It is very important to carefully consider your payroll setup data and deductions before the first payroll check is written. This will ensure that the proper amounts are withheld for the calendar year and that the reports will be accurate. The FICA exempt status is recorded on each payroll transaction at the time that the paycheck is written. Changing the employee FICA exempt status during the year will impact the Form 943 report and the Payroll Summary by FICA Status – All Employees among other reports. Hence, if you change the employee FICA exempt status during the year, it will be necessary to edit each paycheck (must bring up the data in the detail window and update it) and then record it to have the new FICA status reflected on each paycheck so that the these reports will be accurate.
The FICA status is not displayed with the payroll grid so it can be a tedious task to correct your data. It is not recommended to change this value during the calendar year unless absolutely necessary. Up front payroll planning will result in accurate withholdings that do not require a lot of adjustments later.