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FarmBooks Release Notes

Jan 3, 2014
Batch Entry Changes

- Paycheck entry change so that using same number as either a deposit or check would not result in the other entry from being erased during the save operation. For instance, if a paycheck was added with the same number as deposit, it would delete the deposit when creating the paycheck detail because it first has to delete the batch transaction and then re-add the transaction. Now, it includes the transaction type to allow the same number for a paycheck, check, or deposit as paycheck entry only interested in paycheck transactions.
- Reassignment of CK / DP Number on Bank Change fixes.
- A new option "Apply ALL Payee Naming Rules to Unapplied Data" was added to the grid popup menu (shown by right clicking in the grid on the batch entry tab). This options allows you apply the payee naming rules to transactions that qualify to have a rule applied that has not yet had the rule applied. It would be necessary to run this option if you have downloaded your bank data and imported them into batches and then created new rules in other batches. The rules are automatically applied as the data is imported into batches and as you create the rules for the current batch. So, this option is a way to reapply all the rules to a previously downloaded batch.
- The "Add Rule..." menu button was changed to “Rules” with three sub-menus. The button functionality of "Add Rule" was moved to the first sub-menu as "Add Rule / Change Description…". The new option "Apply ALL Payee Naming Rules to Unapplied Data" is the second sub-menu option as described above. The last sub-menu option "Payee Naming Rules..." was moved from the “Import…”menu and shows a list of the defined rules and allows you to maintain the list.
- The Import feature for batch entry was updated to address a lock up and to support import files that have header rows before the field name row. The two options "Create Import Data Map" and "Bank Transactions" from the Import button were changed. Some online bank websites creates the CSV file without a trailing carriage return and line feed pair after the last record which resulted in the process attempting to read past the end of file and would lock up the process. Also, a few websites create the CSV file with header rows containing criteria about the export such as the account name, account number, and date range before the field name row. Now, the process inspects the file for possible header rows by determining if it has the minimum number of expected fields (4 fields - date, payee, check number, and amount); if not the import line is skipped and noted in the process log.
Report Changes

- Selected Enterprise Transaction by Date report was changed to not subtotal Inventory BIV or EIV (Beginning or Ending Inventory Values) by placing them in another Section "Others". Also, an Enterprise Summary Section was added to Show the Total Income, Total Expense, along with the Total Net Profit / Loss.
- Paystub Report was changed to show the hourly rate based on the transaction data instead of the employee setup data. So, if the hours are provided it will calculate the hourly wages as gross wages / number of hours. For salaried employees, the transaction gross wages is displayed. This report will be more accurate if employee rate of pay changes during the year.
- Payroll Analysis report shows message to reminder users to print employee withholding report during tax preparation. Message is "Note: Print the Employee Withholdings report under Code Listings for External Codes for use during tax preparation of W-2."
- 1066 / 2066 g-code description changed from INTERMEDIATE A/R to STOCKHOLDERS. See section below "Balance Sheet Assets Section Receivables G-Code Description Change"
- ATI description changes. ATI 065 changed from OTHER LIVESTOCK to OTHER LIVESTOCK, RESALE. ATI 068 changed from SEED-SUPPLY SALES to SUPPLIES PURCH, RESALE.
- Balance Sheet liabilities section reclassification for selected ATIG/D codes. For a complete list, see the section "Balance Sheet Liabilities Section Changes and New Accrued Expense Codes".
- Was not showing the grid highlight bar for selected or focused row.
General Application Changes

- Font Scaling disabled because using 125% or 150% fonts would result in labels being truncated or buttons from not being displayed on the screen.
- 1066 / 2066 g-code description changed from INTERMEDIATE A/R to STOCKHOLDERS. See section below "Balance Sheet Assets Section Receivables G-Code Description Change"
- ATI description changes. ATI 065 changed from OTHER LIVESTOCK to OTHER LIVESTOCK, RESALE. ATI 068 changed from SEED-SUPPLY SALES to SUPPLIES PURCH, RESALE.
- Balance Sheet liabilities section reclassification for selected ATIG/D codes. For a complete list, see the section "Balance Sheet Liabilities Section Changes and New Accrued Expense Codes".
- Was not showing the grid highlight bar for selected or focused row.
Help Menu

- Dropped the trailing backslash from the URL to correctly show the website Order Checks Online
Invoicing Changes

- Statement Aging buckets were not including unapplied cash (overpayment not applied to open invoices) or unapplied credit memos which result in the running balance and statement due amount to be incorrect.
- Creating Statements for open invoices with future due dates would place the aged amounts in the 1 to 30 days past due bucket instead of the current aging bucket. The statement due was correct.
- Creating Statements by Statement Period was aging payments based on received date instead of aging based the due date of the invoice the payment was applied. This would result incorrect running balances with the overall statement due balance correct.
- Unit price would be rounded beyond the number of decimal places specified in the application preferences.
- The statement process has been changed to assess finance charges as of the statement date. In the past, it was trying to allow one month to pass in order to assess the fee. Now, after the due date has passed the invoice will qualify for a finance charge and the number of days that will be assessed is controlled by the statement date, if this feature is activated in invoice preferences.
- If the assess finance change is activated in invoice preferences, the topmost grid in the invoice tab shows the last finance charge date in the rightmost column.
- Days past due in the topmost grid on the invoice tab and in reports would not show as past due until the due date plus one day. Now, a day after the due date it shows as one day past due.
Payroll Detail Entry Changes

- Paycheck Entry to show a red “calculate tax” button if the Pretax, Is Health, or Company Paid check mark is changed to notify the user that it is necessary to recalculate the withholding amounts based
Secure FTP Backup

- Added a new preference "Server Type" to expand types of FTP servers supported. Now, FTP servers with implicit SSL/TLS are supported. In the past, only SFPT over SSH servers were supported.
- Select and Delete multiple records.