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  4. Section 7: Codes
  5. ATI-ATIGD Code (Account Codes) Structure

ATI-ATIGD Code (Account Codes) Structure

ATI-ATIGD Code (Account Codes) Structure

FarmBooks ATI-ATIGD Code Structure window

A Code
The first digit of the ATIGD code, the A code classifies a transaction by cash, inventory, loan etc. See the A code descriptions below:

0 – Cash – Cash income and expenses

1 – Charged – Receiving Loans/Accounts payable and payment of receivables. If it is inventory, then it is accrued income/expense

2 – Payment – Paying loan/accounts payable and receiving of receivables

4 – Enterprise allocations – Allocation of income and expenses to enterprises

5 – Inventory of livestock, crops, supplies, machinery, land, etc. – Beginning and ending inventories.

7 – Livestock births

8 – Livestock weanings

9 – Wage withholdings, livestock deaths, and special items

The account code of “0” is used with all cash income and expense entries, while the account codes of “1” and “2” are used for receiving and paying loans and accounts receivable. Account code “9” is used with wage withholdings. The program sets the other Account codes.

TI code
The next two digits of the ATIGD code, the TI code, classifies all transactions by categories.

G code
The G code is the fourth digit of the ATIGD code, and it describes in more detail the TI code. ATI codes are fixed, but you can add additional G codes.

D code
The D code is the fifth digit of the ATIGD and is used to further classify the income or expense for a given G Code. The D code is only allowed for 041 Labor Hired, Non-Farm Income, and Non-Farm Expense account codes.