FarmBooks Code Listings

FarmBooks Code Listings provide a complete listing of all inventory, account (ATIG), and external codes defined for the current fiscal year.e business, evaluate new investments, or analyze changes in equity.
External Codes Listing
External Codes are additional codes used to more completely define income, expense, loan, and accounts receivable transactions. They can be setup for Loans/Receivables, Employees, Family Living, Miscellaneous, and Vendors.
Inventory Codes Listing
The Inventory Codes report lists all inventory codes defined for the current fiscal year. Inventory codes are setup automatically by the program based on the Account-Transaction-Item-General (ATIG) codes.
Payroll Codes Report
Payroll codes are used to track withholding and payment information used to generate the payroll reports. This report shows the withheld and payment ATIG/D assignments per calendar year along with “subject to” indicators.
Enterprise Listing Report
The Enterprise Listing Report lists all enterprises defined for the current fiscal year.
Account (ATIG) Codes List
The Account-Transaction-Item-General (ATIG) codes are used to classify all transactions as either income, expense, inventory, loans, or accounts receivable; as well as into major categories within each classification. Options for this report are all account codes defined for the current fiscal year, or for a selected ATI code.