FarmBooks Year-End Processing Steps

Complete ALL Year-End Tasks

Version or greater otherwise follow Year-End Processing via Advance Steps Instructions below.
The Year-End Tasks wizard simplifies the three steps into one step by analyzing your data to determine the steps that are necessary to complete all of your year-end tasks. It will describe the actions needed to complete each step and if you agree that the actions are as expected, then you will press the finish button to start the process.
For instance, if your fiscal year is a non-calendar year, then it may skip the New Fiscal Year step and only execute steps 2 and 3 if you do payroll. Then when it is time to create your new fiscal year later in the year, just run the Year-End Tasks wizard again to complete step 1 and it will skip steps 2 and 3. If you don’t do payroll, then it may only execute step 1 if and when it is necessary. The Year-End Tasks wizard may be run multiple times in a given year. The wizard will test for an internet connection if it is time to obtain a new tax table and if no connection is found, it will remind the user to install the tax table before running the wizard.
Should you find that you did not like the outcome of the New Fiscal Year or the Payroll Calendar Year-End steps, you may re-run them from the “Advanced Steps” options of the Year-End menu and select your desired options by answering the questions of each respective wizard.
Year-End Processing via the Advanced Steps
(Recommend using the Complete ALL Year-End Tasks menu option instead)

Use instructions if version number is prior to
From the Year-End menu, the user can see the steps necessary to prepare FarmBooks for paycheck entry. Step 1 to 3 indicates the order in which the processes need to be run. For instance, Step 1 is for New Fiscal Year. If the user has setup their fiscal year as a non-calendar year, then it may not be necessary to run this step in order to continue with the step 2 and 3 for payroll. Payroll is a calendar year activity so it only requires that the new fiscal year exist for the new calendar year. The Update Tax Table process requires that user close their farm database before the update can be run so that is why it is a grayed out or disabled menu option when the database is open.
Recording Payroll Federal Tax Deposits

How do I determine the amount of federal taxes owed for my employees?
Run the Payroll Summary report to obtain the current amount owed for FICA (Social Security and Medicare) and Federal Taxes. The FICA amount reflects both the employer and employee portion of taxes due minus any payments in the column “Amount to be Deposited”. The report shows a total line “Federal Tax Deposit Required” amount for FICA and Federal amounts summarized. It is important that payments in the current year for the previous year are recorded correctly in order for the report to be accurate.
How do I apply a federal payroll tax deposit in the current year for the previous year?
Payroll withholding ATIG codes are 941x where the x value for the G-Code is 2=Social Security, 3=Medicare, 8=State, and 9=Federal. To make a tax deposit for any of the withhold use the corresponding A-Code of 0 or 041y where the y value equals the x value above for the G-Code. To designate the payment as the previous year use an External Code in the range 985 to 990. For instance, pay the federal tax deposit for the previous year use ATIG=0419 with an external code of 990 for “PRV YEAR FED INC TAX”. Run the Payroll Summary report and you will notice that the column “Amount Paid” does not reflect the payment for the previous year which allows the “Amount to be Deposited” column to be accurate for the current year.
How do I apply a federal payroll tax deposit in the current year?
Use the same ATIG codes 041x where the x value for the G-Code is 2 through 9 as described in the previous question related to recording a tax deposit in the current year for the previous year. However, use an external code in the range 991 to 999 to denote a current year deposit. Run the Payroll Summary report and you will notice that the column “Amount to be Deposited” will have the amount for Social Security, Medicare, and Federal Taxes. The FICA (Social Security and Medicare) amount reflects both the employer and employee portion of taxes due minus any payments. Also, the report shows a total line “Federal Tax Deposit Required” amount for FICA and Federal amounts.
Recording Payroll State Deposits

How do I determine the amount of state taxes owed for my employees?
Run the Payroll Summary report to obtain the current amount owed for state taxes. Notice that the column “Amount to be Deposited” will have the amount for state taxes minus any payments for the year. It is important that payments in the current year for the previous year are recorded correctly in order for the report to be accurate.
How do I apply a state payroll tax deposit in the current year for the previous year?
Payroll state withholding ATIG code 9418 is used for state taxes. To pay the state tax deposit for the previous year use ATIG=0418 with an external code of 989 for “PRV YR STATE INC TAX”.
How do I apply a state payroll tax deposit in the current year?
Payroll state withholding ATIG code 9418 is used for state taxes. To pay the state tax deposit for the current year use ATIG=0418 with an external code of 998 for “STATE INCOME TAX”.
Filing IRS Forms

FarmBooks does not directly e-file your forms for you. However, it does provide reports that allow to you to do your filings. Most of the forms phrase the IRS forms.