Keeping up with the latest security threats and what to do about them can be overwhelming. Viruses, computer hackers, email spammers, Internet downloads and even your own employees can put your computer systems and vital business data at risk. Our aim at Sanders Software is provide complete IT security solutions for small businesses, advising you on the best and most cost effective way to secure and protect your business computers, IT systems and, most of all, your company data.
We can build a tailored security solution for your business network, including:
Computer Security

Computer Security refers to techniques for ensuring that data stored in a computer cannot be read or compromised by any individuals without authorization. Most security measures involve access control, data encryption and password protection. New threats that are on the rise are viruses, spyware and phishing.
All Internet content you read, send or receive carries a risk. The Internet, file sharing, e-mail, instant messaging and P2P systems are standard in today’s workplace. As a result, network security concerns are now bigger than ever for all businesses. Firewalls, anti-virus, passwords and encryption alone can’t protect you completely.
Network Security

Securing a network infrastructure is similar to a home security system that secures all entry points of a house. Computer security provides a more thorough means of monitoring, defending and protecting each network entry point. Network security also uses preventive measures in attempt to secure the access to individual computers and other shared resources such as file servers, network-attached storage and other interconnected systems. Security breaches or attacks are stopped at each entry point before they spread.
The computer security measures taken are focused on securing each individual entry point on the network. An entry point can be the Internet, email, a desktop PC, a router, VPN or remote access or FTP to name a few. When an entry point is breached or compromised it is likely to infect other systems connected to the same network, making the entire network a potential risk to data security. A entry point is protected in several different ways depending on what it is. Our team of information security consultants will cut through the confusion with a network security assessment and provide you with specific recommendations. Sanders Software can create a security strategy to protect your business within your budget that will create peace of mind and a secure operating environment for your business